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Salmon egg-fried rice

An omega-3 rich, family friendly simple salmon supper. Let the kids choose how much heat they like by serving hot sauce on the table alongside


Recipe Direction :


  • STEP 1

    Mix the ginger, garlic, soy and vinegar, and set aside. Heat a large pan or wok and add 1 tbsp oil, the vegetables and salmon. Fry the salmon for 2 mins each side until it begins to turn opaque. Tip in the rice and stir, flaking the fish into large pieces, then move everything to the side of the pan.

  • STEP 2

    Add the remaining oil to the pan, crack in the eggs and stir to roughly scramble them. Once cooked, stir through the rice and pour over the soy marinade. Season and leave to bubble away for a few mins more, so that all the rice is coated in the sauce. Serve in bowls with hot sauce for drizzling.